MTS specialises in high-stakes tests such as IELTS, tests for UKVI purposes such as LanguageCert SELT, Life in the UK, and professional exams like ACCA, AAT and CFA.
In the UK and Ireland we have a network of 25 test centres and we facilitate examinations for over 100,000 candidates a year, employing over 500 highly-trained invigilators and examiners. We are also expanding our network of exam venue partners globally, in order to offer flexible and far-reaching exam delivery opportunities.
We are experts in the fields of paper-based and computer-delivered testing with in-test-centre invigilation, alongside remote proctoring services with the option of live proctoring or recording.
MTS also offers online IELTS preparation courses and IELTS teacher training courses that can be accessed globally. We are most excited about our new AI-powered IELTS mock test which is due to be launched this year.
65 Westcroft Square, London W6 OTA