AlphaPlus is an education service business that specialises in the design, development and deployment of qualifications and their underpinning assessments, and in the evaluation of their performance and impact.
AlphaPlus helps organisations make their educational assessments better. Many organisations use assessments – academic examinations, portfolio assessments of skills, observational assessments in the workplace for professionals. In all cases, good assessments make sure that people get the outcome they deserve: the right people pass and fail; the grades awarded are fair; the results are honest, reliable and defensible, and reflect the attributes that stakeholders value.
We work with our customers across several education sectors (school, college, vocational and professional) both in the UK and internationally. Sometimes our work starts with helping people to write better tests and questions. At other times it involves undertaking statistical analysis of assessments to check they are functioning properly or reviewing the way assessments are run to check that they are consistent.
We work for governments, regulators, awarding organisations and test publishers on test development.
AlphaPlus, c/o AQA Education Ltd,
Devas Street